FEMM Simulations of Magnetic Fields
**Unless otherwise noted, minimum field
strength represented in color is 20Gauss, plot lines are for
Gauss sensed 3/8" above pickup.

Basic A5 rod

A5 rod w/ beveled top

A5 rod with Steel Baseplate
A5 rod in wide steel U bracket

slug poles w/ ceramic mag underneath (i.e.
cheap singlecoils)

frontal view of A5 singlecoil

plot line of magnetic field at string 3/8"
above poles (each spike would be string center.
string "height" being aprox where
line enters at left side.. (A5)

frontal view of A5 singlecoil w/ baseplate

plot line of magnetic field at string 3/8"
above poles (each spike would be string center.
string "height" being aprox where
line enters at left side.. (A5 w/ baseplate)

telecaster pickup with baseplate

plot for telecaster at string 1/4"
above pickup

A5 vintage stagger and beveled. Minimum
gauss colored: 10Gausss

screw poles for a humbucker

Humbucker w/ A5

Humbucker w./ A2

Dual Rail with ceramic magnet

HB mixed mag, ceramic on left A5 on right



